Kid's Dentist: Time For Teething
If babies could talk, they might have a few things to say about their troubles with teething: "Ooohh, do my gums ever hurt!" Since they can't, parents and caregivers must stay alert to signs of teething: drooling, fussiness, redness of gums and cheeks, sleeplessness, and maybe a loss of appetite. The first signs of teething may begin as early as three to four months of age. Baby teeth usually begin appearing between the ages of 6 to 16 months.
What Can Help My Child Feel More Comfortable While Teething?
Pay attention to the signs of teething and offer a big dose of TLC (tender loving care) and some relief of discomfort with some tried and true teething tips:
- Gently massage the baby's gums with a clean, cool, damp gauze pad or with your clean finger.
- Give your baby a cool non-plastic spoon to place into his or her mouth. Do not freeze the spoon.
- Allow your baby to chew on a cooled teething ring or moistened washcloth. Note: For safety reasons, do not leave your baby unattended while chewing on these things. Avoid plastic teething rings because a piece may break off and the baby's mouth could be cut or choking could occur. Also, teething rings should not be placed in the freezer. The frozen ring may stick to the lip, tongue, or gums and tear the tissue.
- If you apply over-the-counter topical medication, or if you use Acetaminophen (Tylenol or Tempra), follow the instructions on the label carefully and consult your doctor. Too much may cause liver damage. Over-the-counter medications should not be routinely given to an infant without a doctor's approval.
How Should I Care for My Baby's New Teeth?
As soon as your baby's teeth are visible, it's time to begin brushing! Baby teeth are susceptible to tooth decay that can lead to damage of permanent teeth. In the morning and before bedtime, brush teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and water only. Do not use toothpaste until your baby reaches two years of age to prevent accidental swallowing. After that, use just a dab (the size of a match-head) of fluoride toothpaste.
Be sure to schedule your child's first dental exam around the time of his or her first birthday (definitely no later than 16 months of age). Routine dental visits reveal any conditions that can be treated early as well as establish your child's dentist as a "healthy smile" partner.
By Brian J. Gray, DDS, MAGD, FICO
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.
Early Child Dentist Visits
Many people don't consider a child's need for pediatric dental care until they actually get their pearly whites. In fact, most kids don't see their child dentist until about two years of age (though they really should have their first appointment by their first birthday). Why spend a lot of time worrying about something that hasn't happened yet, right? While it's true that it's pointless to check an empty mouth for cavities, good child dental care habits begin long before a baby's first baby teeth break through the gums. Ensuring that teeth grow in healthy and in place will result in proper facial arrangement and speaking abilities.
Caring for Your Baby's Teeth!
Whether breast-fed or bottle-fed, baby gums need to be cleaned after every feeding. Just moisten a gauze square and gently wipe away plaque. Never put a baby to bed with a bottle containing anything but water! Sugar could decay teeth beginning to surface. It's also a difficult habit to break, so nix it now before you have to try to pry juice from your 5-year-old's hands.
Healthy Habits Last a Lifetime
Research shows that kids who are brushing their teeth by the age of five will continue this habit all their lives. Begin supervised flossing by this age as well, and be sure to get your child to a dentist by his or her first birthday. Remember that a healthy diet is an important part of good oral health, so reinforce wise food selections during each and every meal. Give your child a head start on good dental health!
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.